Something you won't want to hear
Your going to get a number of reviews from a lot of people that this is complete crap because the animation isn't smooth and for a first episode, pretty much everything made no sense.
I would recommend you ease a little bit into the story and environment in the first couple episodes. Get some nice and easy character development and introduce some general things to the audience that they can connect with. Not some random chick whose running some high-tech experiment and getting annoyed that a shield number isn't what its supposed to be while some other random dude is beating up someone she secretly cares about.
I understand the "anime" style that emphasizes more on well drawn characters then simpler more fluid characters but imo that type of animation should only be left for professional studios. Anyone on newgrounds trying to attempt that style can easily make themselves spend a very long time on an animation that really isn't that visually appealing.
I give you an 8/10 because like zbox101 said below, this is obviously a lot better then the average on newgrounds. My recommendation would be to find an easier more fluid style to animate these characters so you get your money's worth in terms of rating for the time you put these episodes. A 3.9 for a 2 1/2 year project may make you pleased or upset depending on what you were expecting but I know if I spend any more then 3-4 months on an animation I expect nothing less then a 4.0.