can some1 say welcome to newgrounds?
well that was better then i expected...
for a first submission u kik @$$!!!!
i look forward to ur future submissions, next time try to semi put a plot into ur stik thing so ppl don't kill u wit that wen they review it.
also, did u happen to watch dragon ball z be4 u made it or did u come up wit the hair and the blasting beam by urself? if u did good job on that part but if u got the idea from dbz, i suggest noting somtn bout it in ur credits cuz wen u get way high up there (and u will!!!) and u base ur stuff off of other commercial things then ppl will kill u wen they figuire out that u stole the move from some other movie or game and that u didn't even put it in the credits...
just advice.. it was perfect but needs to be a bit longer, at least a minute and a half.