need some work on the animation...
Graphics- sorry but this doesn't cut it for todays modern expectations of graphics in a movie. The only parts that had any animation were when spiderman was climbing, swinging, etc... An animation movie is not just floating pictures on a screen and animation i consider to be 2/3 of the graphics score. The background needs alot of work.
Style- You had an ok style, but it just seemed like you tried your best to make good pictures that just went exactly along with the song. I know its a music video but you coulda came up with some better ideas for some parts.
Sound- This one I give you a good score because its a great song. Though I would love to see someone do a music video animation that hits the top 10 of the week without it being a Wierd Al song or having it make fun of something. Just something by an artist who has plain out good directorial and artistic skills.
Violence- lol, I don't even know why this is a category. What does violence have to do with your score? So what if you don't have violence, it can still be a great animation. *Sigh*
Interactivity- The usual which I give for just a play button, a loading screen, and a replay button. If you want higher interactivity, you will definetely get it if you make a game to play while your flash loads. Just somtn stupid to keep the audience occupied for 2-3 minutes.
Humor- Thier were a few parts where I knew you could have made it more funiner but overall, it was funny. It would been laughing if you showed Peter Parker's face at the part of the song where he turns Mary Jane down lol. But whatever floats your boat.
Overall- It was good flash, but definetely not the best I've seen. I guess some people just give you great ratings because they can relate to the humor of the song (since everyone has seen spiderman).
What would really kick @$$ is if you made an awesome music video that hit the top 10 of the week that was about something not many people knew about. I get tired of seeing really good artists with original ideas get shut down on this site because some guy made yet another animation about a popular movie/game. Try to be original.
I hope you read this, if not then I guess I wasted my time.